Modules > Administration > HR & Performance Management > Surveys and Forms
New question types and other features are now available when a user creates a form on the Surveys & Forms page (see 'Create a new form with basic question types').
For Multiple Choice and Multiple Answers questions there is a new Add Other option that, if selected, allows the user to enter a free-text answer to a question in a form.
For all question types, there is a checkbox, Required. This is unchecked by default. If checked, this question in the form must be answered.
New question types
The following question types have been added for forms. See 'Create a new form with basic question types' for details of the standard options common to all questions (Question Type, Question Title, and More Information), and for relevant information about the creation of other question types:
- Rating - displays five outlined stars, which the user can click to provide a rating.
- Date - prompts the user to enter or select a date (in DD/MM/YYYY format) in response to the question.
- Ranking - allows the user to move multiple options up and down a list to create a ranked list. Options are added to a form in the same way as choices are added in Multiple Choice questions. Click Add Choice to add answer options ('Choice 1, Choice 2', and so on). Answer options can be deleted, but there must always be a minimum of two answer options (up to a maximum of 20). Options are displayed in the order that they are added to the form. To change the order of options, drag and drop the entries. When all of the option fields have been completed, a new option entry appears below. Empty options are not included in the saved form. To delete an option, click the bin icon on the right.
- Likert - this option allows a user to assign a statement/response/score to a series of questions to rank each on a sliding scale (for example, bad to good). The user can create a list of options for the respondent which are displayed at the top of a table with the associated statement to the left forming a grid pattern. For each row in the table there is a radio button for the user to enter an option for each statement. Click Add Choice to add question options ('Choice 1', 'Choice 2', and so on), with five options as the default and a maximum of seven. Question options can be deleted, but there must always be a minimum of two question options. Click on the option text box to edit the text. To delete an option, click the bin icon on the right. Click Statement to add a response ('Statement 1', 'Statement 2', and so on), which the user can then select as a reply. There is a default number of two statements, with a minimum of one and a maximum of 20. Click on the statement text box to edit the text. To delete a statement, click the bin icon on the right.
- Section Break - allows titled section breaks to added to the form (for example, 'Personal Details', 'Contact 'Details', and so on). Although not strictly a question, this option effectively creates a new panel heading for any questions within the section. Select the option to display two text input boxes: Section Title - enter the required text in the input box. Section Description - enter the required text in the input box.
Edit a form
A user can remove, change, or add question to a form. No new notifications are sent out to respondents when a form is edited. Notifications are only sent when a user is assigned to the form, or when a user is reminded to complete a form.
When a user clicks on a link to a form which has been updated since the notification was sent, the form is displayed in its current state of completion, not the state of completion when the notification was sent.
For a partially completed, but not submitted, form any previous answers are kept, but:
- If a question has been removed, the question will no longer be visible, even if it has been answered.
- If a question has been edited, an answer is kept, unless, for example, the question type has been changed from 'Multiple Choice' to 'Single Answer'. If only the question text has been edited, the answer is kept.