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June 27, 2022

Dashboards - KS2 Performance

Dashboards > KS2 Performance

The KS2 Performance Dashboard has been updated to automatically include the Year 6 Stage Assessment Results for 2022. Each Chart will automatically be updated with School Level Measures simply by selecting and refreshing 6_Stage_Assessment_2022 from the Snapshot selector within Settings.

The Year 6 Attainment Chart can be viewed in a Full Cohort view and Expected & Above view, for RWM, Reading, Writing, Maths, Reading & Maths. The Average Score Chart an be viewed for Reading, Writing, Maths, RWM, Reading & Maths. The Diminish the Difference Chart can be viewed for Boy & Girls and Disadvantaged & Others for, Expected Attainment, Higher Attainment, Average Score.

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Pupil Attainment can also be reviewed for the same Stage Assessment Snapshot by using the Pupil Attainment panel on the right side of the page.

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